Join Us For Happy Hour to Benefit Hunger Free Colorado
Dear Friends,
The hunger situation in our state is staggering: in Colorado alone, more than 840,000 people experienced hunger at some point in the last year, meaning they experienced a time when they did not have enough means to put food on their table to feed themselves and their children. Picture Sports Authority Field completely filled up-10 times over. These are our neighbors who have experienced hunger recently.
I am passionate about this issue because hungry kids can’t do well in school. This means we are dooming them and their families to generations of scarcity and poverty. Yet there are hunger elimination programs available, which is why I’ve recently joined the board of Hunger Free Colorado the state’s leading anti-hunger organization leveraging the power of collaboration, system change, policy change and social change to end hunger in Colorado.

Hunger is an issue that impacts everyone in our state – but it is solvable. I invite you to join the SolarGlass team to hear from Hunger Free Colorado leadership about the realities of hunger in our state, what they are doing to fight it and how you can be part of the solution.
We will have refreshments and leave plenty of time for reconnecting. Everyone who joins us in supporting Hunger Free Colorado will receive a special thank you from SolarGlass.
SolarGlass Denver Showroom:
Thursday, May 8, 2014
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
201 University Blvd, Suite 123
Denver, Colorado 80206
SolarGlass Boulder Showroom:
Thursday, May 15, 2014
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
3002 Sterling Circle, Suite 101
Boulder, Colorado 80301