Cherry Creek Showroom Remodel
At the start of this year SolarGlass ventured on a new project, and set out to give our Cherry Creek Showroom an update. The remodel includes brand new furniture, new wall colors, new displays, and a brand-new layout! If you have stopped by lately, you will notice that the remodel is not yet finished, but we are making a lot of progress!
The latest additions to our showroom remodel include:
New Reception Desk:

The first priority for the Showroom Remodel was to get a desk installed up front, so someone would be there to greet you as soon as you walked in the door! We decided to go with the SolarGlass red color for the desk, to compliment the couch in the seating area which will also be red. The countertop was hand-crafted by Ben and his team, made from LVL and Walnut. The file cabinets beneath the desk are being used to hold all of our catalogs, so they are tucked away and salespeople can collect the necessary literature for each customer.
Selection Room:
The selection room (formally called the board room) is nearly complete with a brand new shelf for corner samples. This shelf can hold up to 12 corner sections, keeping the room kempt and organized.

Door Rack:
This is the start of what is going to be a door rack, which will hold about 12 doors, and will be on a track that will allow us to pull each panel out to get a closer look. It will hold all of our stand-alone door slabs in a neatly organized, and easy to access frame. It is painted dark gray to match the TruStile display. We are eager to order more TruStile doors to fit into this door rack.
New Display: The Multi-Slide!
Ben and his AMI team have installed the nearly 12’ wide, 9’ tall Marvin multi-slide with an integrated Centor screen. With its Bright Silver exterior, and Expresso stained interior, this door makes a statement! The door is supported by a custom-frame with beams mounted to the ceiling. While the showroom remodel is not complete, we urge you to come by to feel the seamless and smooth operation of the multi-slide. Our salespeople sure have enjoyed playing with it! We are like kids on Christmas day when a new display such as this one comes in.

Next up on the remodel is to complete the door rack, and install our free-standing door displays in the rack. After that, we will paint a few accent walls, put a seating area in the front entrance space, and mount our new monitors to demonstrate projects to our customers. The seating area will have a kid’s corner for children to play while parents can make their window and door decisions.
The plan is to complete the work by the end of March, and have a few events to celebrate the change to reintroduce the showroom to the metro Denver architectural, design, and contractor community. Stay tuned for information on the showroom unveiling parties!
The Cherry Creek showroom remodel was completed earlier this year, and our new space looks amazing … well, we think so anyway! Take a look and see for yourself: