Window Installation Service in Style
In the past few years our window installation service team has grown to a full-service, four-person crew, and we thought it was about time to upgrade transportation options for our talented service professionals. We couldn’t quite manage rocket-fueled jetpacks (although that would have been awesome), but we came up with the next best thing … a state-of-the-art rolling billboard, also known as the spiffy new installation trailer!

Jealous? You should be! The new trailer is an amazing tool for our team. It’s sized just right to fit all the tools and supplies required for every job, from the largest commercial window installation projects to the smaller residential “two windows and a door” service appointments. Put simply, it’s just perfect … we even like the color!
We’ll be cruising around town from project to project in style, so keep your eyes peeled. You can’t miss the bright sunny logo painted on the side – it announces who we are, what we do, and is designed to broadcast our professionalism.
Next up will be trucks with our installation services branding! What color do you think we should get?
Posted January 14, 2014 by Signature Windows + Doors