Cherry Creek Condo Project
Installing Replacement Windows on the 6th Floor!
We recently had the pleasure of installing replacement windows in a 6th floor condo in Denver’s Cherry Creek neighborhood. This project came to us based on a referral. The unit owner and her contractor son were having trouble finding someone who could meet all the requirements of working on such a unit.

The work is simpler than it looks. Starting with a picture of the finished product, you can see our completed work on the balcony above and what it looked like before using the balcony below. The corner detail in our replacement is clean, integrated, and adds to the structural rigidity, an important detail given the wind loads on the sixth floor.
The secret to these jobs is to do all the work from this inside as pictured below. This allows for a structural install with proper flashing and caulking. As you can see from the photo, the frames were ordered and delivered without their sashes installed.

Unfortunately for us, not everything would fit in the condo elevator and therefore has to be hoisted up from the ground floor. Great care is taken to ensure the material is not damaged and that the operation is conducted safely.

At SolarGlass, we pride ourselves on attention to detail. In this case, the exterior sill casing provides for an elegant finish and superior water and air infiltration management.
We left the unit with the windows ready to be trimmed and painted:

Our work has yielded dividends. The unit owner is so happy with her windows that she is inviting neighbors in for a look. We now have a call to provide a proposal for an 11th floor unit. Onward and upward!
Posted April 23, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors