Signature Windows + Doors

Home Improvement: Entry Doors 101

Entry doors, like the front door have long since been the focal point of a home. They compliment windows and draw attention to siding, porch décor, or a house’s overall look. Being the point of entrance, exit, and sitting in a central location, a front door is automatically a main element of design. After all, it’s one of the first and last things visitors will see when dropping by.

But with just a simple upgrade, you and your home can receive the entry door you deserve. It only takes a few decisions to dramatically improve the style, energy efficiency, and security of your home. For instance, when choosing a door, first consider your overall goal; how do you want your home to appear? What type of product will help fill that gap? Elegant looking homes might call for etched glass, intricate carvings, or a rich color. While more subdued styles can call for woodwork and panes, and so on.

A glance around the neighborhood can spark a few ideas, or you can test drive a door using Simpson Door’s online Idea Gallery. Of course, photos, models, and glass samples can be found in your local SolarGlass showroom too. You can even mix and match styles, color, and more to find your perfect custom fit with ThermaTru’s Door Designer software.

There is more to a door than just design, however. The material is equally as important for both long-term performance and security. What type of material will best suit your needs? Whether you need a new door to improve energy efficiency or aesthetics, the SolarGlass entry door specialists can help you find the best fit. We have a wide variety of styles to choose from in fiberglass, steel, and wood. Other available styles include sidelights, French doors, or a look that is completely unique.
There are multiple benefits to what a new entry door can provide. When installed properly, an entry door can help control temperature, block out UV rays, and provide your home with an updated appearance. With just a simple step, a new entry door is more than worth the effort.

To browse our selection today, head to our product page. Or to find out more, give us a call at 866-386-0585.

Posted March 5, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors
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