Integrity’s Fiberglass is Quite Possibly the Perfect Building Material
Discover the proven strength and performance durability of the fiberglass product line produced by Integrity from Marvin Windows and Doors. Integrity’s fiberglass product line is unmatched in performance, and we welcome the opportunity to prove it. Ultrex pultruded fiberglass has the characteristics to make it superior to other materials used in windows and doors today. Roll-form aluminum can ding and corrode, vinyl chalks, fades, expands and contracts and overall lacks strength. Looking further at vinyl/wood composites that are on the marketplace these products are known to suffer from the known deficiencies of vinyl and the brittleness of wood fiber reinforcement.

Marvin Windows and Doors has proven that they are leaders in the window and door industry and their fiberglass line is no exception to this standard. 20-years ago, Marvin’s pioneering efforts introduced the performance advantages of the Ultrex pultrusion that is used to manufacture their Integrity fiberglass line. Learn more about this and the history of Ultrex by visiting the UltrexFiberglass website.
Posted January 21, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors