Signature Windows + Doors

Company Integrity

Welcome to 2015, where it is very difficult to find a company who is dedicated to its people. With corporations and conglomerates who just want to make a buck, they tend to see their employees as minions instead of people. Minions who are disposable to them.

In our company, we abide by the ethically and morally sound laws, establishing a strong code of ethics. This code was established many years ago when Marvin Windows came into business and operated in a fashion unlike its competitors.

Marvin’s history encompasses a wonderful story about perseverance, compassion, and sincere regard for its employees and customers alike.

Marvin, in operation for decades, has experienced its hardships. Worthy of recognition, is how the company handled the most recent recession in 2008. In the midst of a decline, most companies try to strategize and come up with ways to maintain profitability during times of economic pitfall. Whereas Marvin’s main objective was to figure out how to keep the company afloat, without harming any of its loyal employees. Sure, profit is indeed important- but for Marvin, the people came before profit.

While you may be thinking this surely is not a way to run a successful company, think again.

Marvin put their heads together and came up with a strategy. They refused to lay off any of their hard workers. What they decided to do to get through the recession, was to cut down everyone’s hours. This included the hours of the management, so everyone took the minor hit, not just its employees.

Marvin is a family-owned company which has transcended into a compassionate, sincere organization who views all of its employees as a part of their own family. This is just one of many reasons why we are so passionate about selling Marvin. We sell the highest quality products, backed by a robust warranty, and we treat our staff as if they are a part of a family, valuing their opinions.

As you can see, we try to carry the same moral compass that was passed down to us from our Marvin ancestors. They have set the bar high, and it is our mission to represent their quality product, as well as demonstrate what it means to be a part of the Marvin family.

Families are paramount in our organization, so we are flexible when things come up. Here at SolarGlass, people are treated as people. We hold sales meetings every month so anyone who would like to voice their opinions can have the floor to do so. The President and Owner, Gwenael Hagan, believes in spending one-on-one time with his staff, and understands that every team member matters. “In order to be the company we envision, we need a team of individuals fully engaged, and believe in our mission in order to further develop a culture we aim for,” says Hagan.

Our moral duties do not stop at the staff-level. We treat you, our customers, as a part of our family. You invite us into your homes, let us educate you on what your best options, and genuinely care to deliver the highest quality products to fit your needs. We do not try to cheat you, pressure sell, or upsell. We consider ourselves more like educators than we do salespeople, because we sell peace of mind. After we provide you with new windows, we champion maintaining long-lasting, trusting relationships that we are able to build upon.

We don’t flaunt how SolarGlass as a company demonstrates our moral code of ethics, so it is gratifying when we do get recognized by an outside party.

Project Manager, Jon Stanbaugh balances working for SolarGlass and serving his community in Lyons, Colorado, as a volunteer firefighter. Jon was asked to take a technical rescue course that parted him from his daily responsibilities at SolarGlass. However, we at SolarGlass recognized the importance of this course, and granted the time off, without denying him of his pay, nor real vacation time.

After the course ended, Jon took his “real” vacation and later returned to SolarGlass refreshed, and fully trained for rescue. Jon, on behalf of all of your family members here at SolarGlass, we thank you for your service, and we are happy to have you back!

We would also like to thank Fire Chief Hoffman for this Appreciation Letter in recognition of our company’s integrity and commitment to carrying on the Marvin Family legacy of putting the people before profit.

Posted July 7, 2015 by Signature Windows + Doors


Signature Windows + Doors
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