A Room With a View!
Hello all! Kib deLorraine here, from SolarGlass in Colorado!
I just had to share this picture with you! We have been working with a homeowner on a long-term project for about a year now, as she gradually replaces all the windows in her home. Not long after the first round of replacements, I went back out to the house to see how the windows turned out, and get the homeowner’s reaction to the new look … as we stood in the foyer, one of her horses walked up to the new, 6’0 5’0 clad ultimate awning window, and was probably blown away by the handsome gal she saw in the reflection!

The customer later told us that she was boarding two Quarter Horse mares during the construction. This gal was the older of the two (about 13), and is called “Mara Fia.” She was shy at first, but would graze nearby and gradually got used to the guys working out on the pasture side of the house. When the windows were in, the siding complete, and the debris cleared away, she ventured closer. We’re certain she saw herself mirrored in the new windows, and stepped up to greet the lovely chestnut mare she saw there! Either that, or she was seeing inside and checking out the living room. What a fine view through that big new awning!
This was a picture perfect, Kodak moment as they say … you can see from the background that she pretty much has an unobstructed view to the foothills in the west (the customer, that is … not the horse!), so getting rid of the 3-wide casements and putting in the operating awning was the perfect solution. We’re happy to report that she LOVES all the glass area she has now. There was a twin casement to the right which we also replaced with a 4’0 5’0 awning, and making that change to those 2 windows just made all the difference in that room. The homeowner couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome!
I shared this photo and story with Susan Marvin, President of the Marvin Companies. She responded “This is priceless! Hope your customer loves the view as much as her horse likes the reflection.”
Happy trails!
UPDATE: We shared this photo with Susan Marvin, of Marvin Windows & Doors, and her response was great too: “This is priceless! Hope your customer loves the view as much as her horse likes the reflection!”
Posted May 12, 2014 by Signature Windows + Doors