Signature Windows + Doors

Introducing Bella …

Q. What has two big brown eyes, one rubbery wet nose and two pointy ears?
A. SolarGlass’ internet marketing guru’s adorable four legged furry friend Bella!


As many of you know, here at SolarGlass our pets play a huge part in our lives, and so it is natural to follow that we completely consider all of the pets of SolarGlass’ employees, customers and vendors a part of our extended SolarGlass family. We just don’t talk the talk either, we walk the talk everyday of the week. Step into any of our locations and it would not be surprising to find a warm welcome from our hairy family members who hang out with us each day.

Bella is not so much a new member of our SolarGlass family, because her Dog-Mom has been helping out SolarGlass for quite some time now with our internet presence and visibility. Today we are introducing Bella to our blog following friends because it would be quite a many mile stretch to have Bella tapping her cute little toes up to greet our guests on a daily basis … Because Bella and Sara are so far away as today’s internet world allows us to interact and work from afar … we decided to bring Bella to you electronically! Bella as you will see from the picture below is a fun and adorable little dog whose Dog-Mom obviously likes to point out considering the pink little mustache pointer which Bella is peeking over the top in her debut picture! We have a good idea that Bella will not be snoozing on her little perch there in the home office where she hangs out each day, instead I think she is running around and keeping a watchful eye out for visitors who stop by during the day in her neck of the woods …

Bella, we hope you have a Woofy Fun Day!

Posted October 28, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors
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