Signature Windows + Doors

Fall Weatherization Tips

Here we are again, fall has begun and everyone is beginning to batten down the hatches to get ready for the cold winter months. Settling in for the winter is not just for humans either, even bugs gather supplies, dig a safe place in the dirt to hunker down, or weaving a cocoon to hole out until spring pops up again next year.

Now as humans, we have quite the advantage over a bug in that we have several more choices other than digging a hole, or weaving a cocoon to hibernate. However, maybe this would work for us too if we could hibernate longer than 8-hours at a time, but instead we still need to go about our daily activities without the luxury of sleeping for months on end.

So, what are the best weatherization options to make our winters more comfortable?

  • Weatherproof our homes by checking for damaged or missing weatherstrip around windows and doors.
  • Replace old single pane windows and doors with technologically advanced energy efficient products available in today’s marketplace.
  • Insist on InstallationMasters® certified installation so you will benefit from your new windows and doors as they were designed.
  • Schedule a service call for your furnace and gas fireplace to be sure they are running efficiently.
  • Install and program a programmable thermostat. Set it at 63 degrees when you are away and asleep, and set at 71 degrees when you are at home during regular activities.

So now instead of hunkering down in a hole in the ground or cuddling up in a cocoon, enjoy our human hibernation months in Colorado by getting out and playing in the snow, or sunshine. We have lots of nice days here for the sun lover, or snow lover. So, make plans to have fun during the 16-hours you have each day of non-hibernation.

Posted September 30, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors
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