School Supply Drive
School is out for summer, and as the kids soak in all the summer time fun us adults are busy taking care of business in our usual ways. Lucky kids, enjoying these carefree days which will in a few decades from now become their “good ol’ days!”
Summer time fun will be ending none too soon for a lot of the parents out there. Some of the parents will welcome the break from running around to Water World, Elitches, Lakeside, the local pool or the endless activities that are available to us in our good old US of A! On the flip side, there are some parents who may not be looking too forward to the beginning of the school year while the looming expenses of purchasing school supplies and clothing is approaching too soon around the corner. This reality for some unfortunate families in our cities may not from the outside of the home be too obvious to neighbors as some families likely would not advertise too loudly their real needs to make ends meet.
On another “flip side” those of us who are fortunate enough to make ends meet may not have the insights into the financial needs of our neighbors, and we really do not need to delve deeply to know that there is a real reality for many families with children struggling to meet financial needs each and every day.

2013 marks the third annual participation of SolarGlass to partner with Janus to collect the much needed school supplies that meets the very needs of unfortunate families with kids who do not have the extra means to pull together the school supplies needed to help children succeed in their studies. We welcome your additional support and invite everyone to drop off the basic supplies to our Denver showroom at 201 University Blvd, Suite 123 or any of our other front range locations. School supplies are greatly needed for kids to learn and succeed!
Here is a list of some of the supplies that will be gratefully accepted by unfortunate kids who live in the same cities as us, travel on the same roads, but do not necessarily have the same opportunities that we enjoy and those kids will completely appreciate the little bit of help that we can provide for them at the start of the upcoming 2014 fall classes…
- #2 Pencils
- 1” Binders
- Ball Point Pens
- Crayons
- Fiskar Scissors
- Geometry Sets
- Highlighter Pens
- Pencil Cases
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Pocket Thesaurus
- Rulers
- Scientific Calculators
- Staplers & Staples
- Staple Remover
- Subject Dividers
- Plain Paper
- College & Wide Ruled Loose Leaf Paper