Signature Windows + Doors

Touring & Training in Warroad, MN … Without Pants.

It’s no secret that here at SolarGlass, we couldn’t be more proud to offer Marvin Windows & Doors to our customers. We’ve said time and time again that they produce the highest quality products and provide amazing service. However, we don’t often mention that they also offer a variety of educational resources to help builders, architects, and remodelers learn more about their company and product lines.

Early this spring, we had an opportunity to visit the Marvin factory in Warroad, MN. Several customers (pictured below) joined Gwenael Hagan, our CEO for a behind-the-scenes tour at Marvin’s HQ.

Training in Warroad, MN

For those of you who don’t know, Warroad is only six miles from the Canadian border. It’s a picturesque little town, with temperatures that routinely drop below freezing this time of year. As you can see in the photo, one of our guests, Ken Sheldon of Sheldon Builders, Inc. elected to wear shorts … in Minnesota … in March.

We couldn’t believe it either.

While we toured the 2 million square foot facility, we all learned about the manufacturing process, various product lines, and supporting services. We were able to ask all kinds of questions to the Marvin team, and learned a great deal the various window lines and what makes Marvin different.

We also learned that Ken is different too … the man wears shorts all winter.

Overall the tour was a great success. The presentation by Marvin’s staff focused primarily on the needs of our builder/contractor customers. The goal was of course to better help them communicate the competitive advantages of both Marvin and Integrity products to their clients. Special thanks to Gardner Middleton and Al Lopez with Old Greenwich Builders, Peter Young of Peter Young Construction, Inc. and Mike Roalson with Tundra Construction.

We learned many things on this trip, but mostly that we need to buy Ken some pants.

Posted May 10, 2013 by Signature Windows + Doors
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