Signature Windows + Doors

Super Storm Sandy, NYC, and My Son

The images and continued suffering are heartbreaking. While we have made a financial contribution to the relief efforts, it seems like a drop in the ocean. Hurricane Sandy will also be tied to a personal, bittersweet memory.
On November 1st, my son flew to NYC to begin his career as an attorney. He flew into Newark, got to his newly leased apartment in Manhattan, had power, and managed to have his personal goods delivered by movers the next day as scheduled! Truly a blessed introduction to the Big Apple. The same evening, he found out he passed the bar.
The bittersweet part is that we are now past the point where I could count on seeing him during frequent school breaks. Now the visits will be tied around vacations and life events. This is how it should be, just makes me a bit nostalgic!

Posted November 5, 2012 by Signature Windows + Doors
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