Signature Windows + Doors

Most Impressive Sales Effort

Yesterday we received a deposit check and order sign-off from a new customer. Here are the impressive parts:

  • We won against two competitors
  • Our purchasing manager and Cherry Creek Showroom manager took it upon herself to go beyond my request to price and send a quote – she actively pursued the contractor and followed-up when too much time had passed
  • This same person made a pricing decision on the fly – a good one – without consulting me

It is impressive enough that someone who is not primarily compensated for selling became determined to win one for the team.  However, I happened to be in the showroom when the customer brought in the deposit payment. He told me that he “worked her a bit” and possibly frustrated her at times. Her response – “this isn’t a sale, it is the start of a relationship.” Now that is powerful! He went on to tell me that she made the sale and he decided to do business with us because of her.
The contractor complimented us on a company culture that would allow a story like this to play out. I am thankful, grateful, and delighted to be part of this.

Posted August 10, 2012 by Signature Windows + Doors
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