Signature Windows + Doors

The Importance of Team

The average tenure of SolarGlass team member is 12 years. If I factor out the team additions since I purchased the company, the number rises to 15 years. Given that a year into my ownership and we have had just one resignation, I am proud and thankful of the fact that tenure continues to grow. What does this level of longevity mean?

It means that SolarGlass offers an unprecedented level of product, building code, and architectural knowledge.

It means a level of efficiency honed through years of working together.

It speaks to rich levels of personal interactions between long-time customers and the SolarGlass team.

More than all of this, it means I have inherited a special obligation to honor the team who make SolarGlass all that it is. I could attempt to write my way to what I mean, but perhaps one example among many will bring this to life. We have bookkeeper who, along with our purchasing czar, lead the charge to convert us to QuickBooks from a spreadsheet-based accounting system. They did this in the middle of our busy season without a whiff of complaint. In fact, our bookkeeper wanted to borrow my laptop so she could work at home on the conversion, this in addition to the additional hours she is putting in during the day.

I worry that I will fail to honor this level of commitment to the work of SolarGlass. I do take comfort in the fact that the team dynamics and the bonds between people are far larger than me and thus an obligation that is not mine alone.

Posted November 24, 2007 by Signature Windows + Doors
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