Signature Windows + Doors

Our Exceptional Attention to Service

Our success has been built on:

  • Longevity of the team
  • Expertise of the sales team
  • Rigorous business process
  • Leadership
  • Profit sharing that aligned the entire organization to the successful fulfillment of a customers order

As a result, SolarGlass has earned a great deal of loyalty from custom builders who know that they will have a trusted expert guide their product selection and that they can rely on the entire SG team to get it right.

The resulting relationships between custom builders and their SolarGlass sales person is a strong foundation that must be protected. At the same time, remodels, renovations, and, most importantly, window replacements will drive growth. This means more homeowner involvement in the selection process, and a more direct homeowner connection to the satisfaction equation. Warranty service will evolve from SG’s support of the customer builder in achieving customer satisfaction to SG having a direct, ongoing relationship with homeowners.

SolarGlass is very well positioned to raise the service standard. The DNA of SolarGlass can be expressed as “Expertise backed by Service.” Going forward, we need to flip the relationship to be “Service backed by Expertise.”

We need to let our markets know that the Quality of Customer Experience is SolarGlass’ defining difference. If we start to leverage the expertise of the team to push the service and quality of experience envelope at every turn, we can extend our current leadership position.

A problem or service issue is an opportunity to create a customer who advocates for our brand. The alternative is either an outcome that leaves the customer neutral – as in, “not bad, but a waste of an opportunity” … or far worse, the customer who tells anyone and everyone of their rotten experience.

The shift then is from being fiercely proud of what we know and the quality of our relationships to getting real joy in finding ways to go above and beyond expectations. In addition to honoring our existing relationships, we need to focus more on the experience and the end customer – the homeowner.

Posted July 1, 2007 by Signature Windows + Doors
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